||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date; ga('create', 'UA-79849198-1', 'auto'); ga('set', 'forceSSL', true); ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true); ga('require', 'displayfeatures'); ga('require', 'cleanUrlTracker'); ga('require', 'outboundLinkTracker'); ga('require', 'ec'); ga('send', 'pageview'); ga('set', 'nonInteraction', true); setTimeout("ga('send', 'event', 'read', '20 seconds')", 20000); User Agreement | Bedibuy

User Agreement



Standard Business Terms and customer information


I. Standard Business Term



§ 1 Basic provisions


(1) The following business terms apply to all contracts you enter into with us as a supplier (bedibuy GmbH) through the website Unless otherwise agreed, inclusion of your own terms is not acceptable, if necessary.


(2) A 'consumer' is, for the purposes of the following regulations, any natural person who enters into a legal act which, to a large extent, cannot be attributed to his commercial or independent professional activities. The term 'business person' means any natural person, legal entity or legally liable partnership that enters into a legal action pursuant to its independent professional or commercial activity.

§ 2 Conclusion of the contract

(1) The subject of the contract is the sale of products.


(2) By placing the product in question on our website, we provide you with a binding offer to conclude a sales contract subject to the conditions set forth in the item description.


(3) The purchase agreement takes place via the online shopping cart as follows:

The products intended for purchase are taken to the "shopping cart". Using the appropriate buttons in the navigation bar, you can select the shopping cart and make changes there whenever you want.

After calling the "Payment" page and entering the necessary personal information and payment and shipping conditions, all order information is displayed again on the order summary page.

If you have used an immediate payment system (eg PayPal / PayPal Express / PayPal Plus, Amazon-Payments, Postpay, Sofortüberweisung) to receive payments, you will either be redirected to our online store or order summary page, or you will be immediately redirected to the payment provider's website.

If you are directed to the payment system immediately, select and enter the appropriate information. You will then be returned to the order summary page in our online store.

Before the order is sent, you can recheck all the information, change it (which can also be done via the 'back' function of the internet browser) or cancel the purchase.

By clicking the "Place an order with a payment obligation" button to deliver the order, you declare your acceptance of the order in a legally binding manner in which the purchase contract takes place.


(4) You are not limited to inquiries regarding the creation of an offer that has been communicated to us. We provide you with a textual and binding offer (eg via e-mail) that you can accept within a 5-day period.


(5) The actual fulfillment of the order and the sending of all necessary information for the execution of the contract are partially automated via e-mail. As a result, you must ensure that the e-mail address you have given us is a correct e-mail address and that the receipt of the relevant e-mails is provided. In particular, you should make sure that the relevant emails are not blocked by a SPAM filter.

§ 3 Right of retention, protection of property rights

(1) You can only exercise the right of retention if the situation in question includes claims arising from the same contractual relationship.


(2) The goods remain our property until the purchase price is paid in full.

§ 4 Responsibility

(1) We also provide unlimited liability for damage caused by violation of life, limbs or health. In addition, we assume liability for all intent and gross negligence, without limitation, in the event of acceptance of the warranty for the supply of the subject matter of the purchase, and in all other legally regulated cases where a defect is fraudulently concealed.


(2) Liability for defects under the implied warranty complies with the applicable regulation in our customer information (Part II).


(3) If the situation is related to material contractual obligations and involves secondary negligence, our liability is limited to foreseeable damages, which is standard for the contract. The term 'significant contractual obligations' means significant obligations arising from the nature of the contract, the breach of which would endanger the fulfillment of the purpose of the contract. It also includes obligations that the content of the contract imposes on us in order to facilitate the fulfillment of the purpose of the contract, the fulfillment of which makes the smooth execution of the contract possible and the appropriateness of which can be regularly accepted by you.


(4) In case of breach of non-significant contractual obligations, no liability will be accepted if the situation in question includes breaches of obligations related to slight negligence.


(5) The current state of the relevant technology makes it impossible to guarantee that data transmission operations using the Internet, characterized by continuous availability, will be carried out without errors. In this context, we cannot guarantee the continuous and uninterrupted availability of the website and the service offered on the website.

§ 5 Choice of law, place of execution, jurisdiction

(1) German law shall apply. This choice of law is valid only for customers if it does not result in the cancellation of the protection guaranteed by the mandatory provisions of the law of the country of general residence of the relevant customer (principle of interpretation of doubt in favor of the relevant).


(2) If you are not a consumer, but a business person, a public law legal entity or a public law governed corporate fund, our place of business is the place of jurisdiction as well as the place of fulfillment for all services arising from your business dealings with us. The same applies if the place of residence or general residence is not known at the time of initiation of proceedings, as well as where you are not affiliated with the general place of jurisdiction in Germany or the European Union. This shall have no effect on the capacity to apply to court in connection with another place of jurisdiction.



(3) The provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods are expressly unenforceable.


II. Customer information

1. Description of the seller

Alpha Commerce Industry GmbH
Industriestraße 60
73642 Welzheim
Telefon: +49 1523 1329261
E-Posta: [email protected]

Alternative dispute resolution:
The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court dispute resolution (ODR platform), which can be viewed at

2. Information on conclusion of the contract

The technical steps involved in concluding the contract, the conclusion of the contract itself, and the correction options are carried out in accordance with clause 2 (section I) of our standard business terms.

3. Contract language, storage of contract text

3.1 The contract language shall be German.


3.2 The full text of the contract is not retained by us. Before the order is sent, the contract information can be printed via the online shopping cart system or stored electronically using the print function of the browser. Once the order is received by us, the order information, legally mandated details of distant sales agreements and standard business terms will be resent to you via email.


3.3 For requests for quotations outside the online shopping cart system, which can be printed or stored securely electronically, all contractual information will be sent to you in writing within the framework of a binding offer, eg by Email.

4. Code of Ethics

4.1 We are willingly subject to the Käufersiegel quality criteria of Händlerbund Management AG, which can be found at:

 : and, related to it, Ecommerce Europe Trustmark Code of conduct conduct/.

5. Main features of the product or service

The main characteristics of the goods and/or services can be found in the relevant citation.

6. Prices and payment arrangements

6.1 The prices mentioned in the respective quotations represent the total prices as shipping costs. It includes all price components, including all possible taxes.


6.2 Included distribution costs are not included in the purchase price. It can be viewed by clicking the appropriate button on our website, is displayed separately during the ordering process and must however be borne by you unless free delivery is confirmed.


6.3 The payment methods available to you are displayed by clicking the appropriate button on our website and are explained in the relevant excerpt.


6.4 Unless otherwise specified for the relevant payment methods, payment requests arising from the concluded contract become due immediately.

7. Delivery terms

7.1 Delivery conditions, delivery date and current supply restrictions, if any, can be found by clicking the appropriate button on our website or are described in the relevant excerpt.


7.2 If you are a consumer, the following is legally regulated: The risk of goods being sold that is accidentally destroyed or spoiled during shipment passes to you only when the goods are delivered, regardless of whether the shipment is insured or not. This condition does not apply if you have independently appointed a transport company not specified by us or a designated person to handle the shipment.

8. Legal warranty right

8.1 Statutory warranty rights are available.


8.2 As a user, you are requested to immediately check the product for deficiencies, visible defects and transport damage as soon as the product is delivered, and to immediately disclose your complaints to us and the shipping company in writing. Even if you do not comply with this request, it will have no effect on your statutory warranty claims.


These SBTs and client information are created by lawyers specializing in IT law working for Händlerbund and are constantly checked for legal compliance. Händlerbund Management AG guarantees the legal safety of the texts and assumes responsibility in case of warnings. More detailed information can be found on the following website:


For all your questions and comments about your personal data to us;

E mail address: [email protected] 

Phone number: +49 1523-1329261


last update: 23.01.2017
